Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quiz 2

I have a new quiz, and it's going to be tougher. Each question involves each of the numbers 1-10 in some context. I promise to provide the answers next week!
  1. Name the first dog on the moon
  2. Name the two Smothers Brothers
  3. Name the three Gorgons from Greek mythology
  4. Name the states that make up "Four Corners"
  5. Name the five elements in a "Take 5" candy bar
  6. Name the six colors of a regular bag of M&Ms
  7. Name the Seven Dwarves
  8. Name the gift given on the eighth day of Christmas
  9. Name the other name for Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
  10. Name the tenth month's most recognizable holiday


  1. 1. Pluto
    2. Tom and Dick
    3. Esius, Mosius, Harius
    4. Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona
    5. Chocolate, Nougat, Peanuts, Caramel, Marshmallow
    6. Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Brown, Orange
    7. Dopey, Sleepy, Doc, Sneezy, Grumpy, Bashful, Happy
    8. 8 Lords a Leaping
    9. Bedtime Lullaby
    10. Halloween

  2. I meant to say "first dog in space." Sorry.

  3. 1.?
    2.Tom and Dick
    3.Esius, Mosius, Harius
    5.Chocolate, Nougat, Caramel, Marshmallow, Peanuts
    6.Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown
    7.Doc, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Dopey, Grumpy, Sneezy
    8.8 Lords a Leaping
    9.Bedtime Lullaby

  4. 1.?
    3.Medusa, Stheno, and Eurayle ( I know two people that got that wrong...)
    4. Colorado, New Mexico,Utah, Arizona
    5.? ( never had one),orange,yellow,blue,green,brown
    7.sleepy, happy, grumpy, sneezy, dopey, doc, bashful
    8.8 lords a leaping
    10. Halloween

